Bonnie Coberly- san francisco breathwork

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is an active meditation fueled by a consistent, conscious breathing technique. It’s a powerful tool to help you quiet your mind, connect with your body and heart, release stuck energy and emotion, dissolve stress and anxiety, and experience deeper levels of spiritual connection.

Breath brings new life, always. 

What You Will Experience

The breath is the most basic and profound doorway to access your life force energy and consciousness. The simple and profound practice of actively using breath to fill yourself with oxygen and move stuck energy out of your body feels like a highly focused meditation combined with the rejuvenation of a great nap and the deep emotional release of a good cry. It has this unexpected power to melt away what's no longer yours to keep and reconnect you squarely with the essence of who you are.

In each group or individual session, you’ll begin by claiming some intentions for your practice. You’ll then lie down and get comfy to begin a 50-minute breathwork journey, guided by a two-part pranayama breath, music and essential oils. You’ll use the fullness and healing power of each breath to feel your intentions, move through your limitations, nourish your nervous system, and deeply connect with your own energy and wisdom. We will close your session with plenty of time for sharing and integration.

No previous experience is required, just a willingness to explore the process. While the breathing practice is different for everyone and each journey is unique, some benefits and experiences may include

  • emotional release and healing

  • letting go of old stories, trauma, energy and experiences that no longer serve you

  • a deeper connection to Self and Spirit

  • tapping into to your intuition and strength 

  • reduced stress and anxiety

  • improved sleep and ability to relax/rest

  • feeling lighter, clearer and more joyful

The path that led me here…

Bonnie Coberly- holistic health coach

Everyone is healing from things they don’t speak about.

This has certainly been true of my own experience and of every single client I’ve worked with. Yes, every one of us is going through something you can’t see on the surface, something we are hiding away in the shadowy places, afraid to share. This is a simple, compassionate Truth (and we could all use more compassion and truth these days).

I’ve recently begun publicly opening up about my own deep healing journey that has not only been the experience of my life but has also been an expression of my life’s work to date. It started nearly 20 years ago by healing a debilitating digestive disorder through nutrition, that led me to help heal others through health coaching, which inspired me to start an organic meal delivery business out of a deep desire to serve my community and contribute to the healing of our extremely broken food system.

Then, a few years later, discovering I had gone into business with the wrong person and as a result had to dig my company- and myself- out of a mountain of debt that left me teetering on the brink of bankruptcy for more than four years. During that time there were so many fires to put out that my life was simply blinding. I didn’t know how to talk about what was actually happening, let alone experience it as “real life.” And the effect of that experience created such deep physical, psychological and emotional burnout, I honestly did not know if I would ever fully recover. But I have. (And some days I still am).

But it was during this traumatic period of my life that I finally began truly honoring myself and my needs, and I deepened into my own self-care routine in a way I never had before. I learned to cultivate practices— and community— that supported me as I healed adrenal fatigue, severe depression and anxiety (and the many physical and emotional side effects), my crumbling finances, my relationships with my food suppliers and my employees, and most importantly, my relationship with myself.

One of the most important things this part of my life showed me is that how you care for yourself (or don’t care for yourself) forms the absolute foundation of your life and that nothing about healing is not logical or linear— you have to try many different avenues and it simply takes the time that it takes.


I discovered breathwork after I returned from the most intense healing experience of my life— a trip to the Sacred Valley of Peru to work with a shaman and the ancient wisdom of sacred plants. During a particularly difficult moment where I was feeling a lot of fear and struggling to surrender and let go, I heard:

All you have to do is BREATHE.

As I connected extra consciously to my breath, everything shifted. Everything softened. I felt my entire life open before me and all of my energy completely supporting me. It was a moment that taught me the profound power of one the simplest things we unconsciously do all day long: breathe.

As I’ve continued to heal myself and uncover my body’s innate wisdom through these powerful breathing practices and other self-care tools, it has become one of my greatest honors to help others do the same. Because we cannot truly be healthy and well in isolation, and none of us are meant to, or able to, do this life thing on our own.

This is why I do the work that I do. This is why Boulder Breathwork exists. To provide a safe and loving space to unfurl the past, feel it fully and then let it go. As you transmute the pain, anger, shame and grief you make room for more love, acceptance, joy and ease. As you root out the self-judgements that are causing your pain, you can transform yourself. You create the conditions within you for true health and happiness.

Everyone deserves support in their healing process, and I would be honored to walk with you on your path home to yourself.

Client Love Notes:

"Working with Bonnie has been a transformative experience for me.  Her gentle, compassionate guidance made me feel safe exploring difficult emotions and past traumas. Breathwork with Bonnie as my guide was particularly impactful. The experience helped me to became more deeply connected to myself and my body, lowered my stress levels, and connected me to my intuition. Bonnie's kind, gentle, wise, and compassionate guidance made a difference in my life and I can highly recommend her to anyone who is feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or alone." - Julia

“Breathwork sessions with Bonnie changed my life. Bonnie has guided me through life's most turbulent moments and unveiled clarity, healing, and light that I otherwise would not have seen - and all I had to do was breathe.” - Brittany

“Thank you so much for this beautiful gift of breathwork. I feel so light and yet aware of the depth, of layers and of an acceptance that these elements of myself are an integrated blessing. And so I am grateful.” - Rich

“Thank you for the breathwork session today. It was my first time doing anything like it, and it was really powerful. SO much came up and moved/released/resettled…it was like your prompts were perfectly timed every time to push me just a little bit further exactly when I needed it. I hope to do this again, thank you.” - Sarah

“It was my first time doing breathwork with a group, and I don't think I could've picked a more supporting and open community to do it with. Bonnie was so welcoming and filled with love! The breathwork itself was so simple, yet so powerful—I was pretty amazed at how peaceful, clear, and present I felt afterwards.” - Paul